Sunday, 27 September 2009

Audience research analysis


Our results show us that the member of the target audience prefer a video that has a narrative based but also a high majority also like a performance based so we have put both of these attributes in the music video so it is a mixture even though a small majority like to see concept based the majority is higher for the other two which mean more people will be interested in the music video and more likely to watch it. We thought that the pace of the video should most defiantly match the pace of the song we also asked our audience this to see what they thought and we got back that at least over half thinks that the videos pace should match the songs pace this is so the video doesn’t look random and weird and it all flows. To have a certain tone to the song will make the video more interesting and more watchable for the public, our results show us that the public like a humorous tone with a slight bit of seriousness so this will be added in o make the video attracted to the public eye. Intertexuality is an important part of music as the theorist Andrew Godwin says the key features to a music video include a reference to inertexuality either from a TV programme or even another music video we asked our audience if this attracts them to a music video and over half said that it did attract them to watch a music video. Filming is an important part of making a music video to get al the shots correct etc but we asked the public which they think is the most important element of the filming process and they said that camera shots was the most important element we took this into account and have put some killer shots into the video to attract the public. Florescent adolescent came up on top to the most favourite music video done by the artic monkeys so we looked at this video and have tried to look at key features of the video and we also did the theory behind this video.


Does interrextuality attract you to a music video?

What is your favourite Arctic Monkey's video?

Whats the most important attribut of a music video?

Do you think the pace of the video should match the pace of the song?

What type of tone would best suit the chosen song?

this is an interview with different members of the target audience.

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